Bondoc & Asociatii joins the 5th edition of the “Made in Romania” program

Bondoc & Asociatii se alatura celei de a 5-a editii a programului “Made in Romania”, un proiect cheie al Bursei de Valori Bucuresti lansat in 2017, pentru a identifica si promova companiile de top din Romania. Scopul acestui program este crearea unei comunitati in care antreprenorii romani isi pot promova business-ul si isi pot duce afacerea la un noul nivel de dezvoltare prin atragerea de finantare de pe piata de capital.

Le dorim succes celor 50 de companii semifinaliste selectate de comitetul de nominalizare, dintre care urmeaza a fi selectate  cele 15 companii finaliste care vor fi anuntate public in cadrul Galei de Premiere programata in luna septembrie 2022.

Mai multe detalii cu privire la programul Made in Romania gasiti aici:



Bondoc & Asociatii joins the 5th edition of the “Made in Romania” program, a key project of the Bucharest Stock Exchange launched in 2017, in order to identify and promote top companies from Romania.  The aim of this program is to create a community where Romanian entrepreneurs can promote and take their business to a new level of development by attracting capital market financing.

We wish good luck to the 50 semifinalist companies selected by the nomination committee, out of which the 15 selected finalists shall be publicly announced at the Awards Gala ceremony scheduled for September 2022.

More details regarding the Made in Romania program can be found here: