Bondoc & Asociatii participates in the Gala of the 4th edition “Made in Romania” event

Bondoc & Asociatii participated in the “Made in Romania” Gala, 4th edition, which was held on the 16th of September. Our colleague, Diana Ispas, Partner at Bondoc & Asociatii gave the prize to one of the fifteen finalist companies. More details are available at the links below:


We wish to congratulate all the finalist companies, and good luck to all the Romanian companies that participated in this contest, and which prove that there is remarkable potential for the development and growth of Romanian businesses.

Bondoc & Asociatii a fost alaturi de Bursa de Valori Bucuresti in cadrul Galei celei de a 4a editii a programului Made in Romania, derulata ieri, 16 septembrie. Colega noastra, Diana Ispas, Partner Bondoc & Asociatii a acordat premiul uneia dintre cele 15 companii finaliste. Mai multe detalii  gasiti pe link-urile:



Felicitari companiilor finaliste si succes tuturor companiilor antreprenoriale romanesti participante la acest program care dovedesc ca exista potential remarcabil pentru cresterea si dezvoltarea business-urilor romanesti.