Bondoc si Asociatii joins the 5th edition of the mentorship programme Made in Romania organized by the Bucharest Stock Exchange

We are happy and proud that we could support again the 5th edition of the mentorship programme Made in Romania organized by the Bucharest Stock Exchange via active involvement in the workshops organized for the participating companies during November. After the Cluj session which started the series of workshops of this edition in the beginning of the month, the last such workshop was organized today in Bucharest and covered a multitude of hot and interesting topics related to financing and investment. Our colleague Simona Petrisor, partner and head of the Banking, Finance & Capital Markets practices of the firm, attended both workshops and presented on a subject related to legal perspectives to consider by a company when choosing the right financing path among the broad range of traditional and alternative financing means available. More details can be found here.

Suntem bucurosi si mandri ca am putut sustine din nou a cincea editie a programului de mentorat Made in Romania organizat de Bursa de Valori Bucuresti prin participare activa in sesiunile de workshop organizate pentru societatile implicate in program in cursul lunii noiembrie. Dupa sesiunea de la Cluj care a inceput seria de astfel de seminarii la inceputul lunii noiembrie, ultima sesiune din aceasta serie la care am participat a avut loc astazi in Bucuresti si a acoperit multe subiecte interesante si foarte actuale legate de finantarii si investitii. Colega noastra, Simona Petrisor, avocat asociat si coordonatorul practicilor de Drept bancar si financiar si piete de capital din cadrul firmei a participat la ambele sesiuni de workshop si a sustinut o prezentare despre perspectivele juridice pe care o societate ar trebui sa le ia in considerare atunci cand alege calea de finantare din gama large de modalitati de finantare disponibile. Mai multe detalii pot fi gasite aici.