Our Antitrust Capabilities
We are one of the few law firms capable of assisting in a professional manner on virtually any type of competition law project in Romania, as well in all phases, including the litigation phase, of infringement investigations launched by the Romanian Competition Council and the European Commission.
We promote a knowledge-based, tailored approach to clients’ needs, covering a comprehensive range of competition law advice, covering, inter alia, the following areas: cartels, licensing & distribution of goods/services, abuse of dominance, merger filings, including cross-border merger filings, joint ventures & horizontal co-operation agreements, antitrust due diligence exercises, individually tailored antitrust compliance programs and mock dawn raids exercises.
“Lucian Bondoc is very, very good, with a holistic and pragmatic approach”. [Legal 500, 2021]
“They have a lot of experience and they are also very strong in IT&C and commercial law and understand our business. They are our go-to law firm for some time now. Large team with diverse backgrounds. Very professional/prompt”. [Legal 500, 2021]
Our team has been involved in a large number of high- profile antitrust cases, including infringement investigations, abuse of dominance, merger control, vertical and horizontal agreements, covering a broad range of industries and assistance provided to:
a large household equipment and electronic products distribution company in Romania in connection with competition matters, including two investigations of the Romanian Competition Council and assistance on dawn raids matters.
an international company in relation to an investigation of the Romanian Competition Council regarding the public procurement market for activities financed through structural funds, down-raids and other aspects.
seven large pharmaceutical companies in all aspects related to the sector enquiry launched in 2013 by the Romanian Competition Council into the pharmaceutical Romanian market.
one of the largest Romanian dialysis clinics in connection with dominant position competition law matters.
an investment fund in connection with dominance aspects in relation to a leading chain of diagnostic centers in Romania.
a pharmaceutical company for challenging a fine imposed by the Competition Council.
the Romanian operator of the metropolitan optical fiber network for telecommunications in connection with an investigation of the Romanian Competition Council regarding an alleged abuse of dominant position arising from the imposition of inequitable trading terms and conditions.
one of the main electronics retailers in the market, in connection with various competition law matters, including an investigation of the Romanian Competition Council.
numerous companies in connection with 6 sector inquiries over the past 3 years.
a payment network processor in connection with an investigation of the Romanian Competition Council on interchange-fees.
a major innovative pharmaceutical company in connection with an abuse of dominance complaint received from one of its distributors regarding the implementation of a reduced distribution model.
3 innovative pharmaceutical companies (on a regular basis) in connection with abuse of dominant position allegations and commercial policies.
a leading Romanian online marketplace in connection with certain dominant position competition law matters.
a leading Romanian online retailer and marketplace in connection with an investigation of the Competition Council.
a large company, in connection with a dawn raid and subsequent procedure steps relating to a suspected bid rigging.
an oil company, in connection with the Competition Council’s investigation on the Romanian oil market (via the oil producers association), including assistance before the Competition Council and in court proceedings.
the Romanian Power Exchange in the investigation launched by the European Commission into its alleged abuse of dominance deriving from its requesting certain non-resident participants to the spot markets administered by it to register for VAT purposes in Romania.
a major company in relation to a substantial fine applied in the field of ‘meal tickets’ issuers’ suspected of dominant position and vertical and horizontal agreements.
a large consumer goods producer in connection with numerous dominant position-related aspects.
one of the main gas producers on sector enquiries of the Competition Council.
a large producer, including on dawn raids, in connection with an investigation of the Competition Council on drug-related tenders resulting in fines of €22 million.
Lucian Bondoc
Managing Partner
+40 31 224 8400
Raluca Voinescu
+40 31 224 8400
Lucian Bondoc
Managing Partner
+40 31 224 8400
Raluca Voinescu
+40 31 224 8400