Although GEO 143/2021 has already been in force since 31 December 2021, mention should be made that, according to Romanian legislative procedures, GEO 143/2021 (like any other Government emergency ordinance) is subject to the approval of the Romanian Parliament. Currently, a draft law has been adopted by the Romanian Senate, which should subsequently be adopted by the Chamber of Deputies.
According to GEO 143/2021, within 6 months from the date of its entry into force, the National Energy Regulatory Authority (“ANRE”) must adapt, where necessary, the secondary legislation in line with the provisions of GEO 143/2021. ANRE has already approved key amendments to secondary legislation aimed at implementing GEO 143/2021.
This article presents the main novelties regarding the connection to power grids of public interest brought under Order no. 17/2022 amending the Regulation on users’ connection to power grids of public interest, approved under Order of ANRE President no. 59/2013 (“Order 17/2022” and “Regulation”). Substantial changes were also made under (i) Order no. 18/2022 approving the Procedure for connecting consumption places belonging to household customers to the low-voltage power grids of public interest (“Order 18/2022”) and (ii) Order no. 19/2022 approving the Procedure for connecting to power grids of public interest the consumption and production places belonging to prosumers (“Order 19/2022”).